48th scale dolls 48th scale dolls houses aggression in dementia a poem artists bereavement builders busy cancer cats Christmas clowns comedy dealing with dementia dementia dementia care Dolls dolls for Miniatura dolls house dolls gardening humour Kilns Milliput Miniatura Miniatura at the naec Miniatura at the NEC miniature art miniatures mould making moulds Mrs Beetroot new year plumbers porcelain porcelain dolls pouring porcelain QVC radio play sculpture spring MIniatura the NEC Tim Holtz configurations tree felling underwear writing
Tag Archives: porcelain dolls
OH! Ooh! Ow!
I did it. I unpacked the kiln this morning, look. Two shelves full of 48th, which is only a particular number of dolls when you start to match them up and see how many left legs you have for a … Continue reading
Can you hum the theme from the Twilight Zone? Ooh very good. (Isn’t it amazing how much shared culture there is globally? If you couldn’t it goes: doodle doodle doodle doodle ooowee owweee oow doodle doodle etc.) Anyhow (good humming, … Continue reading
48th scale 10. Still at it.
Sculpting, that is. I know it seems as if this is going on forever and from this side of the scalpel it feels the same. So far I have completed 15 dolls and, despite me saying I could only do … Continue reading
48th scale dolls’ houses 9. Population statistics.
This will not be a long posting because I’m still sculpting and likely to be so for quite some time. This is where I’m up to so far. There are also a couple of torsos needing limbs. Well it doesn’t … Continue reading
Posted in 48th scale dolls houses
Tagged 48th scale dolls, dolls houses, porcelain dolls
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Sculpting. 48th scale 7
One of the interesting things about going down scale is that less material is the only thing you can save on. To get the detail, tiny and working, you need expensive things such as laser cutters or even more expensive … Continue reading
I haven’t stopped eating and sleeping to get this doll order out on time but it’s a close run thing. Of the fifteen or so dolls poured, ten have come through all the processes intact, five are wigged, two more … Continue reading
Regular postings will return in short order, what’s stopping them is a long order. It’s always my plan to keep everyone happy; when a customer fell in love with a doll and ordered it without checking what size it is, … Continue reading
I have now put all the new products in the shop. I’ll write about them more fully later. Two, the breeches man and a 24th scale girl: have their still pictures absent, though the zoomable pictures are there and working. … Continue reading
Posted in Site information.
Tagged Dolls, miniature art, oil paintings, porcelain dolls, presents
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Before I begin.
I’m just about to start on the enormously long slog of processing all the pictures to add new items to the shop. I spent all of yesterday photographing them and all of this morning editing the photos. When I say … Continue reading
Posted in Site information.
Tagged Dolls, miniature paintings, photo shop, photographs, porcelain dolls
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More dolls in the shop.
There are more dolls in the shop, returned from their holiday in Birmingham. There are also some paintings. Twenty fourth scale will reappear in the shop tomorrow and then I’ll start photographing the new dolls and paintings and some items … Continue reading
Posted in Site information.
Tagged Dolls, landscapes, miniature oil paintings, porcelain dolls
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