48th scale dolls 48th scale dolls houses aggression in dementia a poem artists bereavement builders busy cancer cats Christmas clowns comedy dealing with dementia dementia dementia care Dolls dolls for Miniatura dolls house dolls gardening humour Kilns Milliput Miniatura Miniatura at the naec Miniatura at the NEC miniature art miniatures mould making moulds Mrs Beetroot new year plumbers porcelain porcelain dolls pouring porcelain QVC radio play sculpture spring MIniatura the NEC Tim Holtz configurations tree felling underwear writing
Tag Archives: new year
Happy New Ear.
Last year was the year of ThingsGoingWrongWithTheBody. It was not much fun. There were a lot of bodies, absolute carnage dear heart, oh yes. Well first there was my mother’s body that conked out completely on January 20th. The surprise … Continue reading
Happy New Year.
A belated happy new year from me. Thanks to the mild weather there seems to be vast numbers of horrible germs going around, plenty of which, I’ve got. And so has my mother, Last visit, I rang her in the … Continue reading
New new new.
There are some years we look back at with regret, sad that they are over, sad that we didn’t do more, do better, do differently, reluctant to let them slip from our grasp and become part of our personal history. … Continue reading
Happy New Year!
Whatever bad things happened to you in 2012 now belong to the past, which is the best present you get with a nice shiny new year. I used to make resolutions until I realised that the next second is the … Continue reading