Tudor doll.

Here she is


and, as you can see, she has found the doll


now I need to dress her daughter, or maybe, her friend.

Stay tuned.


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Sew and sew.

There was a great sewing sundries shop near me, long ago, called Old Sew and Sew.  There’s a possibility that’s what I have become. 

I intended to spend the last three weeks before Miniatura, the best Doll’s house show in the Miniverse, sewing for all the doll’s dolls, of which there are many.  But I side tracked myself.

I took one of the glass eyed little girls out of the box to dress, to hold one of the doll’s dolls for a photograph.  Then I took a different little girl doll to keep her company, then, because they are only about four, I took a couple of mothers to look after them.

The nature of creativity is a hard thing to pin down but it definitely involves following a thought into existence in reality.

Scratting around on the Internet I came across a lovely Tudor portrait of a girl, dressed every bit as poshly as any of Henry’s women.  The portrait and information was posted by Philp Mould’s gallery, who, upon examination of the portrait, had discovered writing that indicated that the sitter was only three, or, as it was painted in the corner, ‘in her fourth year.’  How you get a three year old to stay still long enough to paint a portrait, I am not sure.  At portraiture, which has sadly closed, sitters for an hour, a break, and then three quarters of an hour, usually gave a list of which bits of their anatomy had gone to sleep, very readily.

The commentary on the portrait of the little girl remarked upon the necessity of Tudors to assert lineage.  One instantly thinks of Shakespeare’s second best bed, that he was at such pains to mention in his will.  Of course, people had less in the way of possessions of all sorts than we do today and much less chance of getting more easily.  However, I think that the emphasis on inheritance had quite a lot to do with the Black Death, which continued to devastate populations of villages and towns from the thirteenth century right up to the eighteenth.

Whatever the cause, that toddlers in Tudor times wore much the same as their parents in well-to-do families, is a fact supported by contemporary illustrations, in portraits and in carvings on tombs.

I have started by dressing a mother and I have done it authentically.  She is wearing a sleeveless shift with a leather corset laced at the front, a heavily embroidered underskirt and an over gown, also laced,  I realised as I made the over gown how much it is like a dressing gown today, in the manner of putting it on, the closure and the amount of material in the garment to give warmth.  At present I have decided not to pin a placard, the stiffened front of the gown that covered the lacing of the corset, to the front of her; she is informally with her little daughter and needs to move quite quickly.

Living near Stratford on Avon I’m familiar with the Shakespearean properties.  In one of them, I can’t remember which, there is a handy device for busy mothers.  It’s a wooden walking frame with inescapable holes for legs, fastened to one of the wooden upright frames which is holding the building together.  The inserted toddler could go round and round, but not away.  I wonder if Philip Mould’s portrait was painted that way, catching a look each time the sitter came round the pole.

As usual there is nothing fast about authentic miniature clothing.  I have made a rod for my own back.  I’d have dressed many more dolls if I’d just got one book with pictures in it of costume through the ages and followed it; I have interviewed doll artists who did exactly that.  Using dolls made from commercial moulds and patterns adapted from doll dressing books, they were able to make a very reliable and predictable product and know how much it cost and be altogether business-like about the whole undertaking.

I think the way I do it is more like a branch of art.  I have made patterns for my dolls and I do make a toile in kitchen paper for each one but they’re all individual.  If I do two the same it’s only to see how the second one will turn out in different fabric or with a different trimming.

The slowness is compounded by the need to do things properly.  The bare feet with the glazed toe nails are shod in proper, removable shoes.  I wish I had kept a photograph from a newspaper some years ago, when Tudor shoes were discovered in what had been fish ponds at the bottom of the mud.  The anaerobic conditions had preserved the leather perfectly and confirmed what we suspected from portraits; Tudor shoes not only had squared off toes, they didn’t have a left and a right.

Of all the difficulties with sixteenth century dress I think, for modern people, the lack of foot specific fitting, in shoes, must be the trickiest.  Used to modern fabrics, we would have difficulty at first with wearing linen next to the skin.  It does, however get, softer the more you wash and wear it.  Leather corsets laced under the bust would be supportive and warm, I could wear them.  Several layers of clothing in houses heated by one central fire, would be sensible and there are many cultures today in which the hair is always covered.  But the shoes with the squared off toes must have slopped around a  lot.  Perhaps the Tudors found them an improvement on early mediaeval shoes, those foot tight, thin shoes with the curly toes so long they had to be tied to the shins to stop the wearer tripping over his own toes.

I find costume history fascinating.  What people find comfortable depends on what they are used to.  Before the close-fitting clothing with various fibres that give stretch, which have characterised the post WW2 years and emphasised the body shape more than any fashion since hosiery for men from the twelfth century onwards, clothing for most people was, above all things, adaptable.  Slacker lacing here, moving a button over there, or just not lacing your drawers so tight, allowed clothing to be worn until it ended up as bombast or polishing rags.

Here in the twenty-first century in the Western world we are, in theory, freer than we have ever been, to be ourselves and yet more constrained in the way we look than ever before.  Fashion tends to hold a mirror up to prevailing worries.  The Marriage of Arnolfini with an apparently pregnant bride (who was not, it’s just gathering on the fashionable dress) reflects depopulation worries following the first surge of the Black Death in Europe.   Similarly the burgeoning birth rates that always follow a war, that gave rise to the baby boomers, also generated the androgenous and pre-pubescent favoured body shapes of the Sixties.  In the hungry Renaissance well-fed Goddesses lie around every landscape, just as stick-thin models haunt the catwalks of our over-fed times.

It might all be summed up as wanting what you haven’t got.  In my case thinner thighs, a flatter tum and a lot more time for doll dressing.


Tickets are on sale for the best show in the Miniverse.  Find out about it here:  www.miniatura.co.uk

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Notiss 3

Ye spinnning weel is yette avaylable.  Thee fynall reduksion in prise is too an orl tyme low of onlye 4 groats and wun (1) farding.  Do notte look for a lowwer prise heer or enywere els.  Itte wil notte happen.  THisse is my finalle oferr.

Itte is neue.  It is a nise color (brawn).  Itte dose flakks and woll also as wel.

4 groats 1 (wun) farding.


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Here kitty kitty, oh there you are.

I am happy to say the Tudor doll’s doll kits are done.  Each variant is packaged but, naturally, that is not the end of it.  Having designed the doll, the kit and the instructions then you have to design a way of displaying them on the table so they do  not take up unreasonable amounts of real estate and miniaturists can pick them up to have a good look and know where to put them down again.  So, if you are coming to the show and fancy having a go at dressing a Tudor doll’s doll such as one of these


or these


you’re in luck.  The red and blue dressed dolls are one and a quarter inches tall and the gold and black dressed dolls are just under an inch.

Now they are done and packed I can get on with dressing some of the dolls through history.  One, the Victorian shoulder head doll, was meant to be a kit too but I don’t know if I can face another kit just yet.

Speaking as a fair visiting miniaturist, before I turned up on the other side of the table, I think I was aware early doors that kits are a very moveable feast.  Thirty years ago the dolls house metal kits in assorted cold pour pewter, developed from toy soldiers, were ubiquitous.  The instructions were basic and there was not a lot of background information and you had to buy your own paints and glue.  I did quite a few and enjoyed them.  I also did a few carpet kits which were mainly printed canvas tapestries complete with all the wools required.  I came across one of those in a workbox recently, unfinished.  It’s a lovely hunting scene that represents hours and hours of work, so far. How Nicola Mascall offers completed, perfect, miniature tapestry work to commission, without going right round the bend I shall never know.  She’ll be at the show, go and have a look at the detail in the carpets she is doing.

One of the features of kits is that collectors expect them to be a bit of a bargain buy, reasoning that they, the collectors, are putting in all the work.  Having spent weeks and weeks last summer researching, developing and inventing the dolls, making the moulds, pouring, firing and china painting; followed by several weeks doing the instructions, preparing all the components, printing, picking and packing, I can absolutely assure you that a very great deal of work has occurred before the kits hit the table.

But I do know that if I had found a kit, with a porcelain doll in it to make a historically accurate doll for a doll’s house doll, long ago when I was just a visitor, I’d  have been so happy.  How visitors to the show greet the kits, time will tell.  It might help that I’ve priced them at £15, which sounds like the sort of price that most folk could afford if they’d come with a shopping list and then spotted the doll kits.

And I am delighted to say there will be a gift with purchase again this show.  You will pick the box, to choose your scale and, in the mystery box, there will be a slice of porcelain cake and a china painted glazed plate to put it on.  I randomised the cakes and plates so that no two boxes will have the same combination.  The cakes and plates will never be for sale and the only place you can get them is Miniatura.


I think this is what collecting is all about: going out for a day and getting a gift with purchase, of your choice, with contents you cannot get anywhere else.  You could buy a doll kit that has never been seen before and get a cake and plate that no one else could have ever, and spend less than you would for your lunch.

To see what the other exhibitors will be doing and who they are, pop off to:  www.miniatura.co.uk   and have a look.

And just in case you are new here, the show hall is surrounded, about twenty steps away, from all the free parking.


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Ay nuther notiss.

Sayve thy fingers.  For sayle.

Flemische devys  that coyles both woll and flakks withowt twiddlerin of thy fingers bye mean of a weel.  Notte ay cartweel butt a speshul weel notte offf a carte atte all.  Itt hath a seet fore seeting urpon thy ars in cumfurt and is of colore like to thy beems.  Role of instruktion boke with woodcutz showen thee manner ov youse.

Goode prise 4 groats harf d. compaar with like in anuther hamlet


If the Blak Deth and thee shoking cost ov tak-owt gruel art getting thee down hav a loke heer it wil mayk thee lesss mizerabl, it iss a gude day owt with freee parking for thy cart.  www.miniatura.co.uk

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Ay notiss.

Neue spinning weel devise for to twyst wole and flakks.  Bog oke is itt maid, wood matche most half timbouring. 

Compleet as to ane instruktion roll of the wurking writ in Laten, French, Flem with woodcuttes inn common tonge.

Will tayk 4 groats 1d. wich is notte as mutch as I gaav and itt is neue.


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Oh my ears and whiskers.

I have been in such a terrible rush lately, I decided to calm myself by quickly drawing a picture of a slow loris. 

Here it is


The fast loris is, as yet, uncaptured by science; the slow loris, at once inescapably cute and, probably tasty, is the only venomous mammal there is, like a fancy dress commissioning mother whose kid came last.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, writing the instructions for the smaller Tudor doll’s doll kit, in two colours, took all day.  Helpfully, when I read the proofs for the second one, I discovered the typo in the first one but by then the printer had run out of ink so I had to hand correct the first, it was only two letters transposed but it made a different word, which was sense but nonsense in context.  Blimey, I sound like a politician.

Anyway the destructions are done, when the new lot of ink (as the S&H informs me, printer ink is more expensive than champagne) arrives in either a gold carriage, considering the cost, or hurled in the direction of the drive, considering everything else, I’ll be able to devise and print the labels.  Until then I’ll just have to assemble the components for the kit.

Wrapping the silk thread on the straws, which I’m using for miniature thread reels, is fraught with the interesting possibility of RSI of the already oldish thumbs.  Even twirling, by which I mean twirling to give an even and lump-free result, is a skill that makes you realise why the spinning wheel was greeted with such joy when it finally appeared in England in the late thirteenth century, round about the same time as the Black Death.

Imagine the scene: ‘A new fangled spinning wheel!  Such joy!  When one has found the sparse English instructions in this brick thick manual, one will be happy for ever and ever, thank you my husband!  Oh, I feel a bit off, arrgh, a bubo!  Clonk, thud.’

‘Oh dammeth!  One will have to puttest it on eBay.’

Or similar.

Anyway the one inch dolls are worked out, here are the demo dolls


These are just under an inch high, which is about the size of the top joint of your thumb.  The one on the left, dressed in black is exactly the size of my top thumb joint.

I now want to dress a glass eyed girl who can hold the doll and I discovered, when I was rootling through a box of dolls to see if I had put the roll of lace in there, a whole load of eighteenth century doll’s dolls that I’d forgotten I’d done.

I have lorst a little roll of lace that was utterly perfect for little lace caps.  Tudors did wear caps under all their head dresses.  Whether or not hair washing was frequent or infrequent is debateable.  There is the odd coin of Anne Boleyn in existence and a few portraits but they all show her wearing the fashionable gable hood.  Contemporary writing about her is often very sneery about her long back hair, though the portraits show it as dark brown.  Red hair was the colour to have right up to Elizabeth the First and beyond, so the portraits may have been taking fashion into account.  I have painted many portraits and am well accustomed to sitters asking for various features to be depicted otherwise.  Amazingly, in the eighteenth century age was the desirable attribute, hence all the powdered wigs.  Wigless sitters are given a silver sheen to the hair regardless of the actual colour.

I wish I could find the roll of lace.  It is about that big and was on the table, just there.  I have cleared the table, examined the floor and emptied out every receptacle capable of emptying out that is in the vicinity.  I have had to do these smaller dolls with different lace caps.  If you do happen to spot the lace please let me know.  Can you see it?  Can you point to it?

It took much of an afternoon fruitlessly lace searching.  It was authentically sixteenth century in that I was constantly declaiming my urgent need for the correct lace.  In an authentic 1950s and Shakespearean mood I was obliged to do without.

‘For lo!  The varlet!’

‘Where doth he parade?’


For lo I shall go off and work like a fast loris, cute and almost mythic.

Also mythic, Miniatura, details here: www.miniatura.co.uk


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Here kitty, kitty 2.

It’s amazing the stuff you have to think about when you’re designing a doll kit for other miniaturists to make.  It’s got to be sufficiently difficult and adequately interesting but absolutely not look impossible.

I have a lot of furniture kits that I never got round to and, as you know if you come here often, quite a collection of house kits that I’m going to do when I retire.  But I don’t want the dolls to live forever in a kit pack undressed because not getting round to doing stuff makes some miniaturists guilty.  Years ago Jayne Morrison told me that she’d worked out that shopping was part of the hobby.  I think this is incredibly perceptive.  Once you know that, you can let yourself off the hook.  There are collector-only miniaturists and even some who commission assorted artists to make from scratch and make up kits for them.  As well as everything else I’m a collector, I learned it at my father’s knee and crawling under tables in antique shops.  The joy of acquisition is 99% absolute triumph, initially, and a vehicle for accelerated learning later.  I know really quite a lot about the last 1200 years of British history, all because of doll’s houses.  I started with an Edwardian house and needed to know what should go in it and why and then worked my way back a century at a time, absolutely fascinated.  I did get stuck for a long time in the seventeenth century, which constantly draws me.  Samuel Pepys, never far from the top of a reading pile, went to see Shakespeare performed by puppets because the theatres were closed as dens of iniquity during the Protectorate.  Imagine that!  An ancestor of Andy Pandy saved Shakespeare!

History is great and so are dolls, and so of course, are miniaturists, some of the nicest people you’ll ever meet.  The question, when you are designing kits for one is: what can you not do?  And, how can we get round that?

I have made and dressed ’undreds of dolls.  Thinking back to the first few, I remember a lot of frustration around just threading the needle.  In miniature dressmaking you cannot use regular thread.  Lying on the surface of the fabric, it looks as if the clothes have been cobbled together with hawsers off a dockyard.  After much experimentation I have not found any thread to equal pure silk thread.  It is expensive.  An available brand which I find very reliable is YLI which is Japanese pure silk thread, costing round about £18 a reel.  Reassuringly expensive, I believe is the term.  In a matching colour you can do massive 1mm stitches on the face of the cloth and not see that they are there much, or if you do, they look in scale.

The needle has to match the thread, if you use an average hand sewing needle the holes it makes in the fabric will look as if the doll has come off worst in a joust.  Size 11 or 12 sharps are thin enough to carry the silk thread, pass through with a whisper and leave no sign of their presence afterwards.  When I first began to sew with such thin needles I spent many happy hours just trying to thread the needle.  Many folk think that licking the end of the thread will help.  If you think about a dry dishcloth and a wet one, which, if it were a single thread, would be most likely to stand to attention and march through the eye of a needle?  After years of practise I found a few things that would help.  Not messing around with the thread, so that it is still shiny, helps.  Cutting the thread at an oblique angle so you are threading a point, helps.  The one thing that would obviously help but doesn’t exist is a needle threader for silk thread and tiny eyes.

So I have developed one.


Here it is.  It took ages to track down this wire, which will go double through the needle’s eye.  The wire is 0.1mm wide, which by and large isn’t wide.

Of course I cannot put that loose in a kit and just tell you it’s there without sending miniaturists to the looney bin quick smart, no laughing hysterically on the way.



I have made very small packets for the needle threader to live in.  This was not too difficult, although I have a few packets in the bin on which for some reason I was unable to spell threader.

That paper clip is the smallest I could find.  If you do get one of these kits at the show, please tip the contents out on to white paper, it will save your sanity.  I have not put a sanity clause in the instructions, because December is long gone.


To give you an idea of sizes, the long wiggly thing at the top is a human hair (mine), the barge pole at the bottom is the needle and the wire in the middle is the threader.


For further scale here is a pair of absolutely normal tweezers.

It’s all just miniature miniatures, for miniaturists to have a go at.  More on this topic later; I still have a lot of work to do and only the first lot of dolls is designed, there will be a shorter doll, shortly.


These when made up will look like this, here is the blue one, you saw the prototype red one in the posting about the floor, so there’s not just a kit, a choice. They are slightly less than an inch and a quarter tall and are Tudor dolls that were not called dolls, they were called Bartholomew Babies and made of turned wood, of which very much more next posting.

The show is now four and a half weeks away which is horrific, as I’ve spent a couple of days this week being poorly with my rubbish intestines in the typical way, then yesterday I put my back out lugging printer paper round town, so I have no idea what I’m doing chatting to you when I could be working.  I still have a few hundred yards of thread to wind.

It would have been so much quicker to make and dress Tudor doll’s dolls myself but kits were requested on several occasions, so here, kitty, kitty.

www.miniatura.co.uk  is the place to go to see the details.


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On the floor.

What do you find if you look on the floor?

If you’re a miniaturist I bet isn’t just ‘a carpet.’  As you progress in the hobby you inevitably go down scale just to see if you can do it.  The joy of accomplishment does not, naturally last.  Once you’ve done a twelfth and then a twenty-fourth scale house and felt very clever, forty eighth scale beckons and, before you know it you’re buying a 144th scale kit, more in hope than actual expectation.

It is usually around 288th scale that carpet phobia strikes, sometimes earlier, depending on your eyesight.

There comes a time when you know that picking up something tiny that you have dropped, is an unlikely event.  It takes quite a lot of experience to realise this truth.  If the hours the average miniaturist spent searching for something, either on the table or on the floor, were all added up there’d be free time to put a kit together right up to the wallpaper.  You could have had something proper to eat, or, even, actually stopped and watched a television programme properly instead of out of the corner of your eye.  If you are like me and have the TV on for company you’ll be no stranger to tuning in intermittently and being amazed that the Prime Minister (miniatures, miniatures) has been discovered (miniatures, miniatures) having run away in the park (miniatures, miniatures) and will be turning into steady rain later in the afternoon.

Currently I have lost three needles on the table.  I looked for two and gave up on the third because it was quicker to use one hand to get another needle out of the tube whilst keeping hold of the doll  in exactly the right place than it was to put the doll down and start again.  Though in the end I had to, I cannot thread a needle with one hand, though with my new invention I nearly succeeded.

I am doing all the experimenting which will result in a Tudor doll’s doll kit.  I poured about forty in porcelain, about thirty six in two or three sizes came through all the processes.  I had separated two sizes in two small polystyrene dishes.  These are soft and kind to porcelain but open and quite likely to ping.

The world is divided into things that will ping off a crowded table and things that are heavy and stable.  The nature of miniatures is such that the pingable exceeds the unpingable very considerably.  I know little polystyrene trays filled with dolls that weigh less than a gram are pingable.  I know that a table full of liberated rolls of lace, unrolled for consideration and interview is ping city central. There was also the notebook in which I’m writing the instructions, two bags full of drinking straws, a box of dolls,  a daylight lamp, a tray full of sewing essentials,  two boxes of findings, two tubes of thread rolls,  a plastic box of scissors, six rolls of ribbon, a ruler, knitting needles, a crochet hook,  a camera, a glass mat, a foam mat, pieces of paper and numerous pens.  All this on a small eighteenth century card table with dodgy legs. Did I move the dolls to somewhere safer?

Well, they finally pinged this morning.  My hairdresser is getting married for the third time this autumn, proving the triumph of hope over experience, in which, when I put the little light dolls, in the little light trays, open, unprotected, I was well versed.

I am a person of relative equanimity but when the dolls, pinged, rose into the air, and, succumbing to gravity, dropped, I said a bad word.

Scrabbling upon the floor, in the fringe of the rug, I found and rescued some of the dolls but I do not think all of them.  I also found a paper clip and a head from getting ready for last show.  I have vacuumed at least once week since the autumn.

Here are my finds together with the prototype doll.  The doll has a hole in her nose, poor thing, which is why she is the experimental doll, but the basic idea is OK, I think.  This doll is about 35mm.  As well as being a doll’s doll she is the right size to be a resident in 48th scale.  There’s another, shorter doll to experiment with, providing I refrain from chucking all the dolls on the floor again.

Making kits is a lot more difficult than getting dolls out of my head into reality.  After thirty three years I know what I can get out of my head into reality but the problem with kits is that I do not know what is in your head.  Or your fingers. Can I write instructions that cater for all miniaturists?  I have invented a needle threader to go with the kit and there will be a needle and thin silk thread in the kit.  I’m expecting a miniaturist to have small scissors that cut up to the end, tacky glue and cocktail sticks to apply it.  Everything else will be supplied, or it will if I stop nattering to you and get on with some work.


Five weeks to the show, everything you need to know about the best show in the miniverse is here:   www.miniatura.co.uk


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Here kitty kitty.

If you read the previous post below, you won’t be surprised to hear I’ve spent the day interviewing lace.  I have a massive collection of small lace, which started probably thirty-five years ago.  As my dolls have gone down in scale the fineness of the lace and the size of the piece has had to shrink to match.  If you put a piece of lace trim that looks great on a twelfth scale doll on to a forty-eighth scale doll it looks ludicrous.

I have collected lace in many places.  When I went to Australia for my cousin’s wedding in 2008 1 found a great ‘op shop’ with quite a lot of old lace on the old cards from the old shop it had come from.  I have, of course, bought a lot of lace from haberdashers in miniature at Miniatura.  They are by and large very focussed individuals.  Hilary Spedding, the original Dolls House Draper, excelled at trading round the world and never let geographical distance get in the way of obtaining all the good stuff for her customers.  There was another haberdasher who described at length the extreme joy of sorting through the rubble of a bombed-out sundries factory on the edges of civilisation, and rescuing cards of ancient ribbon. Others waited until factories making fancy knicker trimming for a well-known high street clothing store, had an unfortunate surplus, whereupon they would wade in, arms akimbo and relieve the manufacturers at an advantageous price.

This afternoon I have begun what might be quite a lengthy task of designing Tudor doll kits.  I appear to have made the porcelain dolls in three sizes and confidently predict there will be much trial and error before the kits land on the stand, so I’d better get on because it is now six weeks to the show.

Talking of which, you might want a little look at a previous show.  Apparently there have been videos made at the show for a couple of shows.  I only found this out when I emailed Andy to ask if there could be videos and for lo!  There are!

Oh hooray!  Get in the mood right here


this is on YouTube, if there are adverts just click on ‘skip’


Now where was I?  Oh yes. Here, kitty kitty!


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