At the show Alan of Templewood Miniatures was launching yet another of his inventions. I’m sure you remember Alan –
This time, as well as a lot more furniture, including plenty of shelving, all cut with the laser he loves more than his wife (and it’s his long suffering wife who says so) he has produced something to help the rest of us.
Here it is
He’s calling it a Workbox Friend, which is a good idea because every builder needs a friend. One side, this one, has tremendously useful scale information and ready reckoners for 12th, 24th, 48th and 144th scales. There are scale rulers on each side and a table in the centre.
I’m fairly lucky; in the making of mini people there are only so many size variations you can have, but buildings and furniture can be oooh, that big but also this big. The workbox friend will help you when you are miniaturising past midnight and your brain has gone all squishy.
The other side is even better
It’s a measured, right angled, washable gluing jig.
This is the imperial one, for those of us of a certain age but there is also a metric one for friends abroad who would like Friends and young confused friends raised in the latest death throes of the education system.
It’s an absolute joy because we all need a Friend. I don’t know if it has made its way from a fair to the website yet. You could go and have a look at
When I have finished tidying up after the show I’m going into production. I’m going to model some more minis in 48th, I have requests for a cottage sofa and a Bakelite telephone so far. If you have anything to add, please let me know. I also plan to redo the old people who came out a bit too big (I didn’t have a Workbox Friend when I designed them) and get them up and shuffling, after which I’ll pop a selection of everything 48th scale in the shop.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ – gluingamijigs and thingamijigs and stuff.