
Among the gas
Between the stars
There might be lots of chocolate bars
Or aliens in big chrome cars
But we shall never know.

Each evening with a massive grin
Stephen Hawking leaned right in
And gave the universe a spin
I tried to stay awake.

The theory of everything
Says all of it is made of string-
Would you like a Large Hadron Collider with that or a little one?

The possibilities are worse
Than anything you’d put in verse
It seems there is a multiverse
Of bubbles in a space.

The theories are wide and deep
They blink to life then out they beep
Each has the power to make you sleep
Whilst struggling for air.

And all these worlds in parallel
Are all you’d ever think or tell
In some of them I’m six foot tall
And never wrote this poem at all
In some of them I smell.

And if you put a crystal sphere
On a trampoline right here
And spin a coin it orbits where
The earth does round the sun.

And what this proves is gravity
They say, but what I’m thinking, me
Is all that proves is that TV
Is a visual medium.

All in all, all of this shows
That the Creating Being loves
Us all enough to give us Stephen Hawking
A man who can do thinking, a bit of blinking
And some artificial talking.

What other things Hawking will see
The greatest proof he’s shown to me
Is that each one of us should be
The best we ever can.

We sometimes think we could be great
Or better if we only wait
Or if we had a load of cash
Were taller, thinner or more flash
Or had a better educashun
Or came from a different nation.

What the Professor demonstrates
Is the potential to be great
And fit the multiverse inside a head
Which can do thinking, and, also, blinking.

We should not rest immobile through
The parallels of us we’re not
The attributes we haven’t got
Divergent routes we did not take
The choices that we failed to make.
If thinking hard is all you’ve got
Then be like Stephen, think a lot
And make yourself come true.


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