Smile please.

Where does the time go?

I’ve spent the day, so far photographing dolls, or to be more accurate, trying to photograph dolls.

Of course all my dolls move, they would do, they’re articulated.  And the clothes all move, they would do they’re removable.  And the hair moves because of being brushable.

I got ambitious, I tried to photograph three dolls at once.  As the afternoon wore on it became clear that trying to photograph more than that was hopeless.  One doll on its own will fall over, it’s hair will fly away in a way you didn’t notice, its glass eyes will drink in the light and look dark, the sun will go in and the pose, not stuck down, just relying on the articulation to make standing look real, will look rubbish.

So obviously I tried with five dolls at once and got this


Here we all are, Mummy went to Bartholomew fair and bought me and my little sister dolls.

This is a thing that could actually have happened, done with dolls.

However after slogging away all afternoon the winner was the first photo I took.  This happens often in life in general  Here it is


It looks better printed out.

The set joined in, first I broke the cardboard, which kept falling over, then it was all bent and I got a dark line, which you wouldn’t have noticed if I hadn’t drawn your attention to it.  Later on we will have a dolls house competition called ‘here are the things I did wrong’. The person with the longest list will be declared a miniaturist.

Photographing dolls is so much harder than photographing people, I think anyone with an ambition to photograph models should have a go with miniature dolls first.  Once you’ve got that sorted, you’ll find actual people easy.

Now I must make some doll stands and then do some work.

As you know it is just over two weeks to the show, here’s all about it.  There are nearly 130 exhibitors this time and most of them are original artists.  If this show was full size art instead of miniature it would be world famous.  Well it is, but famouser.


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