One of the great things about the Internet is the way it reminds us that it really is one world.
I discovered that it was in the 1970s when I taught in a language college in Nottingham. There I learned that people from all over the world are only divided by culture and attitudes, underneath that we’re all the same. The human experience transcends the cultural overlays.
Every baby is imbued with a strong desire to please its parents, whether they are cruel or kind, strict or lenient, warm or distant. Each child wishes to identify with a group and be one of the group. Every teen is self conscious, All young adults wish to meet, impress and befriend other young adults on a one to one basis and all new parents are sleep deprived and anxious to start the whole cycle off well.
Twenty five years ago, embarking on a hobby enjoyed in many countries, I again met people from all over the world and once again was reminded of our commonality. Though the focus was miniature art, the basic response of people to difficult lives and particular problems was the same. Miniaturists are sometimes people who, having been given insuperable problems in the real world, seek refuge in creating a small controllable world of their own creation. The problems are various; whose life is perfect? Some miniaturists have obvious physical difficulties, some have long term illnesses, some have mental problems of various origins, some have just had a good old fashioned hard life or a scarcity of joy. A few are artists, who would be artists in any size world but find that miniaturisation adds to the art in wonderful ways. A few have practised a skill in full size all their working lives and shrink it in retirement with great pleasure. Some are just people who like little things, some are collectors turned into makers. Whatever their route into the miniature world, once arrived their skills and achievements are awe inspiring. I have never met a group of people so keen to do well, to share, to help each other and to find the positive in all things.
A group from countries all over the world get together to produce an online magazine. It’s free and you can access it wherever you are by this link The February issue is out now, full of fun, art, things to make and do and member’s websites to visit all over the world, on your computer.
One world, with artists. Be inspired!
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& – finding art everywhere.