Many people could not contemplate adventures
Without wearing knickers from Marks and Spencers.
Gentlemen on building sites, ladies in parks
All wearing shreddies from Spencer and Marks.
People sitting down in chairs, people on the hop
All buying underwear in the same shop.
A girl in shorts, a bloke in jeans, a lady in a dress
All wearing underthings bought from M&S.
People doing big exams, people having larks
All their backsides covered by Marks and Sparks.
A nice strong gusset, soft elastic near the parts
That are politely covered by Spencer and Marks.
They sell other types of underwear for any old adventure
But the one thing they do not purvey, surprisingly, a spencer.*
*The type of little jacket worn by Jane Austen, also, later, a knitted vest and previously a short coat for a man.