48th scale dolls 48th scale dolls houses aggression in dementia a poem artists bereavement builders busy cancer cats Christmas clowns comedy dealing with dementia dementia dementia care Dolls dolls for Miniatura dolls house dolls gardening humour Kilns Milliput Miniatura Miniatura at the naec Miniatura at the NEC miniature art miniatures mould making moulds Mrs Beetroot new year plumbers porcelain porcelain dolls pouring porcelain QVC radio play sculpture spring MIniatura the NEC Tim Holtz configurations tree felling underwear writing
Category Archives: Werse
Cats, cats, I have done catsSome of the cats have got little hats So far, eventually some will be dressed.Some will wear more, others much less.Some will come furry, as made by JaneSome will be stripey, some rather plain.Some two … Continue reading
Art is the language of this planet,It knows no boundaries, owes no allegiancesIt illuminates the truth; it speaks to the soul.Art shows us what is – with a better understanding. Art is food for the hunger of the heart.Art is … Continue reading
2 day
Today is two,It is Two dayTwo day two youIn any wayRead two or froA palindromeTwo two 0 goingAnd coming home. Two is the numberOn Toosday two,A day for meA day for youTwo do what weWould like two doChoose carefullyIt’s up … Continue reading
Careers Advice.
The new Head, opening his study,Said, ‘Welcome to you, Mr Toddy,Mrs Toddy put your bodyIn this chair. There is no need to appraise me,You really can’t surprise me,I already recognise whyYou both are here. I assume that Toddy JuniorIs why … Continue reading
Digging for rhymes.
Alexander PopeWent to buy some ropeThe shop was closed,“Would that I’d knowsedI’ll have to use string, I supposeOr else, give up all hope.” Pope Xander AWent to buy some hayThe empty barnWas huge and warmHe snored inside it until dawnAnd … Continue reading
A Monday morning in midwinter.
Walking Charlie the cockerpoo in the park,John is dancing to get warm in the dark,He taps away his chills in code,Fleet of foot and pointy toed.Freezing breezes fluff his hair,He hopes he looks like Fred Astaire. Further over, on the … Continue reading
Fighting force
My heart, I find, is full of darkness,My head is edge to edge with nightWhen will this lengthy tunnel pass usWhen dawns the day to see the light? I find the figures so depressingWhy do they read them every day?How … Continue reading
A poem.
In the course of the tidying up, which, as courses go, has lasted a year, I discovered a poem I wrote on the back of an envelope, the inside and three sheets of telephone message paper. I remember writing it … Continue reading
Now we believe the world is one.
This is itThis is the one we feared and dreaded,This is the wellspring of disaster movies. This is itThis is arbitrary life and death –The finger points at you, but not you, for no reason. This is itThis is the … Continue reading
We die little by little By things unsaid Unexplained The mortal wounds to the living soul. Love, unexpressed. We do it every day, Swallowing the softer words. Less embarrassing stuck in my throat than hanging off your ears. Hugs, unhugged. … Continue reading