48th scale dolls 48th scale dolls houses aggression in dementia a poem artists bereavement builders busy cancer cats Christmas clowns comedy dealing with dementia dementia dementia care Dolls dolls for Miniatura dolls house dolls gardening humour Kilns Milliput Miniatura Miniatura at the naec Miniatura at the NEC miniature art miniatures mould making moulds Mrs Beetroot new year plumbers porcelain porcelain dolls pouring porcelain QVC radio play sculpture spring MIniatura the NEC Tim Holtz configurations tree felling underwear writing
Category Archives: About artists.
Cash and car parks.
Henry was worried that he might be late for work because of difficulty tying his shoelaces. They were, after all, just one filament sewing thread. Happily the giant hand was at hand, which was handy. Henry got to work at … Continue reading
Five days!
To go to the show. I had forgotten how long it takes to get ready for a show. Not the making, which takes a lifetime of practise and the practical six months from one show to the next, but the … Continue reading
Many dolls.
Doll dressing continues apace. Well, I say apace. I find whatever I’m doing with dolls, though I would like to do it all day from 7 till 11, I can’t. It’s a very concentrated effort that is required with dolls … Continue reading
Gone fishing.
Apologies for the recent radio silence. I was on grandparent duty while the S&H and his bride had a break. Now I am back at the work table I need to get my head down and get on with the … Continue reading
Cracked pot.
Here it is. A cracked pot, for which I am grateful. This morning before breakfast I put out the lockdown library, as usual. I was in my curlers and my garden overcoat, which has seen better days. A red warning … Continue reading
Happy Christmas.
This is the room box of his own lounge made by my cousin Richard. He told me they had been decorating it for Christmas ever since he made it ten years ago. I made the dolls, Richard researched, commissioned and … Continue reading
Still busy
With the Christmas cards. Ever year recently I have designed something amazing, at length, usually late, while others, whose cards were pieces of cardboard with a printed picture, delivered theirs on to the doormat on December the First, with such … Continue reading
To shop or not to shop?
Long time readers (you know who you are!) may well recall the halcyon days of there being a shop attached to this site, in which you could buy the dolls I make and I would post them to you wherever … Continue reading
This is the post I’m too tired to post. Half way through the morning yesterday the S&H rang to ask if they could pop in for a speed visit. How lovely. I ran around vacuuming everything, tidied up all the … Continue reading
The C word
I am making my Christmas cards. Last year, as you may remember, because of lockdown, I made a theatre and wrote the play to go with it, so folk could entertain themselves. This was very popular. People who are normally … Continue reading