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Category Archives: The parrot has landed.
A moving experience.
How very nice to have a positive experience that ended with all parties happy and generalised satisfactory accomplishment. We helped the S&H and his bride to move on Saturday and we did it in the day and got back just … Continue reading
Clearance of the clearance.
It’s amazing when you get down to it, what a lot of possessions most people in the developed world can lay claim to and chuck out. When you think of Dick Whittington setting out on his great adventure with his … Continue reading
De cluttering.
It’s good for you, it’s therapeutic, it creates space for new things and you have to do it or end up like the poor souls in those TV programmes where every room is full to the ceiling until the neighbours … Continue reading
Not good generally.
It’s not. Russell’s expensive blood test finally proved on Saturday that he is still not making Vitamin K himself. This drastically affects his clotting factors. The vets had run out of injectable stuff so gave us pills to give him. … Continue reading
Whooshoo, ashoo, bleurrgh.
Yes I have a cold. ‘Tis the season and all that but most of all, I believe ‘twas the stresses of the last couple of weeks at the start of this year depressing my immune system. The mortgage lender refused … Continue reading
For calendar enthusiasts – the fifth and the sixth.
The fifth was shaping up well to be normalish, but of course, I should have known that wouldn’t last. Much of the day was spent worrying about money. My mother had generously volunteered to cover the bills for Russell at … Continue reading
Only the fourth.
May the fourth be with you because it’s not doing us much good. When I awoke it was cold, I looked outside, it looked cold, I felt the radiator, it felt cold. I fed the cats, shivering and called the … Continue reading
And it’s only the third.
On Tuesday, Russell, younger cat of the S&H began to look a bit under the weather. We remarked, as often before, that he must have eaten someone who disagreed with him, for he is a fierce mouser, but as Tuesday … Continue reading
Experts are baffled.
It has taken me a while, I admit. In fact I’ve already only just got round to it. I can’t think why I didn’t do it sooner. Well, I can really. Tiredness, that’s it. Knackerdy knackerdy, yaaawn zzzzzzzzzz whaff? Hmmm? … Continue reading
Faffing around on the Web.
Once long long ago on a planet far away people had spare time and filled it with meaningful pastimes such as model railway building, baking cakes, climbing Mount Everest, hanging off the side of a sailing boat with their bottom … Continue reading