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Category Archives: The parrot has landed.
Always someone worse off…….
I cannot quite remember, nor find it online, but there was a comedian who always used to say, ’There is always someone worse off than you and his name is…………….’ Please email and tell me if you know. Possibly Eric … Continue reading
Twelve weeks to SuperYou.
The only thing that all life on the planet has in common, is time. We all have the time of our life, whatever and whoever we are and no matter how short or long. What are you going to do … Continue reading
Posted in The parrot has landed.
Tagged Corona virus, isolation - what helps, ways to stay cheerful
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Reasons to be cheerful part nine and five sixteenths.
I may actually have got that title mixed up with my hat size but, you know trying times and all that. This is another posting about trying times because, why not? Oh go on you know you want to. Keen … Continue reading
Plagues in history.
I quite enjoy my local social media but arrived there this morning to find a post giving medical advice had been abruptly removed. Visiting family last week to take a birthday present, we were assured by their teenage children that … Continue reading
A reader writes…..
A strange man has appeared in my lounge room in the evenings – he doesn’t seem to know what to do with himself. He wanders around, tells jokes to the air, slaps invisible people across the back and sits on … Continue reading
Something silly
I don’t know about you (though you are, as always, welcome to tell me) but I do love a bit of silly. It was the main thing we all loved about Morecambe and Wise – they excelled at being silly. … Continue reading
Soothingly boring.
During the current difficulties, as promised, I shall endeavour to produce blogs rather more regularly than hitherto. Today I wonder if you could assist me in choosing a colour to paint the walls and ceiling of the hall, stairs and … Continue reading
Before we begin, can I offer you some warm cheese, lukewarm but raw scallops, or a bar of melting cod with an eye hole in it? Sure? I have plenty. I know I have written previously about the UODAKA (The … Continue reading
Valentines, lurve, etc.
As Valentines day rolls around like an elderly drunk auntie with a heavy moustache, hiccupping ‘Give us a kiss, love,’ it prompts one to ask: What do you really love? I have been thinking about this. What I really, really … Continue reading