48th scale dolls 48th scale dolls houses aggression in dementia a poem artists bereavement builders busy cancer cats Christmas clowns comedy dealing with dementia dementia dementia care Dolls dolls for Miniatura dolls house dolls gardening humour Kilns Milliput Miniatura Miniatura at the naec Miniatura at the NEC miniature art miniatures mould making moulds Mrs Beetroot new year plumbers porcelain porcelain dolls pouring porcelain QVC radio play sculpture spring MIniatura the NEC Tim Holtz configurations tree felling underwear writing
Category Archives: Dolls
Doll’s dolls and dolls dolls dolls. etc.
I am nearly ready to set up tomorrow but I thought you’d like a look at all the doll’s dolls. I haven’t had time to do a proper photo, I just piled them all on a sofa. Some of the … Continue reading
Lord and Lady Clapham.
Not some nobs opening Miniatura by cutting a ribbon, but the names of a very famous pair of 17th century dolls. I have been obsessed by these dolls, who now live in the V&A, for as long as I’ve been … Continue reading
Jane Austen doll’s doll.
What is this? Dead spider? Scrap off the floor? It’s quite small as you can tell by the needle. It is a discarded bonnet. I have been dressing the one inch jointed Jane Austen dolls; this bonnet didn’t quite come … Continue reading
It’s all Greek to me.
This little doll’s doll is my version of a very old doll indeed. She’s about 2,500 years old, which is knocking on by any reckoning. Porcelain is not a bad medium in which to have made this copy, the original, … Continue reading
Posted in Dolls, Miniatura
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Rock star.
I did the man who was lying in the old meat tray looking at me. A lot of dolls live in polystyrene meat trays. The trays are very old because I’ve been vegetarian for years but the supermarket expanded polystyrene … Continue reading
Smile please.
Where does the time go? I’ve spent the day, so far photographing dolls, or to be more accurate, trying to photograph dolls. Of course all my dolls move, they would do, they’re articulated. And the clothes all move, they would … Continue reading
Lady two.
I have finished dressing the second lady. This doll really has everything. Drawers and shoes (the shoes are removable, the drawers are not.) She has a shift which is removable and has a drawstring neck like the real sixteenth century … Continue reading
Doll’s dolls dolls.
At ten to eleven last night I finally finished the first little girl doll. She is just over three inches so she is probably about four years old. She might not look like a doll dressed according to a portrait … Continue reading
Tudor doll.
Here she is and, as you can see, she has found the doll now I need to dress her daughter, or maybe, her friend. Stay tuned. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Here kitty kitty, oh there you are.
I am happy to say the Tudor doll’s doll kits are done. Each variant is packaged but, naturally, that is not the end of it. Having designed the doll, the kit and the instructions then you have to design a … Continue reading