48th scale dolls 48th scale dolls houses aggression in dementia a poem artists bereavement builders busy cancer cats Christmas clowns comedy dealing with dementia dementia dementia care Dolls dolls for Miniatura dolls house dolls gardening humour Kilns Milliput Miniatura Miniatura at the naec Miniatura at the NEC miniature art miniatures mould making moulds Mrs Beetroot new year plumbers porcelain porcelain dolls pouring porcelain QVC radio play sculpture spring MIniatura the NEC Tim Holtz configurations tree felling underwear writing
Category Archives: 48th scale dolls houses
Deep deeply.
I am deeply in the middle of mould making. I have made 19 today and have at least another 50 to do. The I’ve got to dry some, pour them, fire etc. finish or write up the house I’ve been … Continue reading
Fitted kitchens.
I spent the weekend fitting kitchens and found, like all the 48th scale I’ve attempted so far that it’s regressing me to portions of my past that were not all that glamorous to begin with. I didn’t realise it while … Continue reading
Posted in 48th scale dolls houses
Tagged 48th scale kitchens, kitchen cabinets, kitchens
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48th scale 15 A slight history of washing machines.
Charlotta writes from Sweden that miniatures is a great way of learning history. I couldn’t agree more. Producing the models for mould making over such a range of domestic necessities has stretched my historical knowledge like elastic. I am not … Continue reading
48th scale inspiration.
I have recommenced modelling more 48th scale bits and pieces. In real life I am still stuck in the bathroom a bit, which is quite contrary of me because in miniature I’m stuck in the kitchen. Having completed a range … Continue reading
Posted in 48th scale dolls houses, Nostalgia
Tagged Butterflies, the kitchen sink, washing coppers
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48th scale 13. Hotting up!
Sorry about the lack of a posting yesterday on a wet bank holiday. I am still not very well but when I can get out of the bathroom, I’ve been modelling. I am now up to about 4 things a … Continue reading
48th scale 12. Fireplaces and a bit of history.
Sorry if this posting is a bit late. I’ve had some sort of viral infection, one of those involving many unhappy hours in the bathroom. On the minus side I’ve lost some weight, on the other minus side I had … Continue reading
48th scale 11. Any requests?
I have now finished sculpting people. If I can mould them (which still remains to be seen, making a plaster of Paris mould for the different parts of dolls that are only an inch and a half tall is not … Continue reading
48th scale 10. Still at it.
Sculpting, that is. I know it seems as if this is going on forever and from this side of the scalpel it feels the same. So far I have completed 15 dolls and, despite me saying I could only do … Continue reading
48th scale dolls’ houses 9. Population statistics.
This will not be a long posting because I’m still sculpting and likely to be so for quite some time. This is where I’m up to so far. There are also a couple of torsos needing limbs. Well it doesn’t … Continue reading
Posted in 48th scale dolls houses
Tagged 48th scale dolls, dolls houses, porcelain dolls
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48th scale 8. Mini modelling with Milliput.
I am now deeply into sculpting these 48th scale dolls’ house inhabitants, in the course of which I noticed myself doing several things which are second nature to me now but which may be new to you. For new modellers, … Continue reading